The Best Clip On Jewelry - No Pierce, No Problem

Anna Anna 07 Aug 2019 3128

Piercing has seen a huge increase in popularity in recent years. It seems like the whole world is getting pierced, in all sorts of places. But, piercing is not necessarily for everyone. If you have a phobia of needles, or just don’t feel like having holes put in your skin, you probably don’t feel like facing the piercing gun. Well, fear not, as clip-on jewelry had come a long way since the 1980s when your gran would wear garish clip-on earrings, made of cheap plastic.

Jewelry Clip On Earrings

Advantages of Clip-On Jewelry

Clip on jewelry has been brought up to date, so those without piercings can still embrace the latest jewelry trends. Plus clip-on jewelry has its advantages.


You can try different jewelry piece, such as upper ear jewelry, or nose and lip rings, to see how you like them, without actually having to get pierced. Because once that hole is there, it is pretty much permanent – if you don’t like it, you’re stuck with it anyway. It’s always best to try before you buy…don’t you think. Especially when it comes to putting holes in yourself.

Clip On Nose Ring - Clip On Jewelry
Image via Pinterest


Also, many girls will be familiar with the earlobe agony of wearing long, chandelier earrings for an extended period of time. Clip-on earrings are no longer the torture devices they used to be. Many of them now work with more sophisticated methods of attachment, such as magnets…ingenious.


Most of us have heard a horrible story of an earring or belly button ring, getting caught on a sweater, etc., and it has forcibly been ripped out, tearing or stretching the earlobe. Not only must this be extremely painful, but it could also lead to scarring. If a clip-on earring or belly bar gets caught in something, it will just pull away, with very little risk of injury.


Types of Clip-On Jewelry

Clip One Jewelry - Precious Stones
Image via Pinterest

The Earring – There are so many different types of a clip-on earring, that you are sure to have plenty of choices, to match any personal style, or go with any outfit. For simple clip-on studs, to long elegant chandelier earrings, to edgy clip-on ear cuffs…there really are so many options available.


They are even plenty of gold, silver and platinum clip-on earrings if you are looking for something for a special occasion. Different gemstones and precious stones are also available as clip-on earrings. So you can be the girl with the pearl earring, without actually having the piercing.


You may be a little upset because you don’t have pierced ears, but all the earrings you like seem to have to go through the hole in the ear that you don’t have. Well, did you know that there are now converters available, that transform the pierced earrings you love, into clip-on earrings? So there are now double the choice of a clip-on earring.

Clip On Lip Ring - Clip On Jewelry
Image Via Pinterest

Body Jewelry – There is also a really extensive choice of body jewelry that is available as clip-on jewelry. There are clip-on nose rings, clip-on lip rings, clip-on belly rings, and clip-on eyebrow rings, all with many different variations available.


This clip-on body jewelry is a great way to add a little bit of edge to your look, without actually having to go for a piercing. You can have an eyebrow piercing one day, a lip piercing the next, and then nothing the day after that.


And The Rest – Not all clip-on jewelry is about replacing pierced jewelry. There is some clip-on jewelry that is all about boosting an outfit, by adding some extra detailing.

Collar Clips Clip On Jewelry
Image via Pinterest

Collar clips are a great way to add an extra dimension to any shirt in your wardrobe. There are lots of different styles, from the very minimal, to the really ornate and detailed. Additionally, there are many clip-on epaulets that can transform a simple white t-shirt, into a glitzy top, fit for any night out. So if you want to dress up some of your simple wardrobe pieces, why not clip on some gorgeous chained collars or epaulets.


Things to Consider Before Piercing

Although clip-on jewelry is a pretty good replacement for pierced jewelry, you may still want to go for a piercing and that is totally great too. But, before you do, make sure you choose a reputable piercer that is known for using sterile instruments. And if you have any discomfort or swelling following a piercing, make sure you consult a pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible.

Enjoy your pierced or clip-on jewelry!