Mix / Rings / Women

We Found 8 Best Graduation Rings You can Personalize and Gift

Marianne Marianne 06 Apr 2021 4956

It’s an absolutely wonderful experience is what graduation is. We’ve had at least one by now, and the feeling of pride you feel when you know your capabilities beat the system is only surpassed by the pride your family and friends feel towards you. So, it’s not a surprise that you would want a graduation gift for someone you know. It’s nostalgic and also feels like you’re looking at a younger version of yourself. Especially if that younger you is your son, daughter, grandchild. At the same time, it might be for a friend who you cherish and you want a gift that shows just how much. One of the best gift options for your loved one’s graduation is graduation rings.

This is why we recommend that you give him or her a graduation gift that will also act as a constant reminder of what he or she means to you. We’re talking about rings that you can personalize with messages or really any text that you can think of. Think of this will you; “I’ll always be proud of you”. That kind of line sends a punchy message that’ll keep the person you’re giving it to, that extra kick to go an extra mile. We’re sure you would like that kind of opportunity since it’s rare.

This is truer when it’s our kids that are concerned. Albeit, in other ways similar to this, it’s the same with our partner, other family members, and friends as well. For both though, we’ve been with them for years and even cared for them.

And now they are graduates. To be plain with you, graduations do not only stand for finishing schools. They either send a powerful message to parents that their kids are growing up and will leave one day. Or, it tells you that your friends and partner have opened another chapter in their lives. For the former, it’s not necessary that we like it, but we can’t stop the flow. Still, what we can do is make sure we’re always of help to them, no matter how grown up they think they are. Personalized graduation rings are just one way of being close to them.

Best Graduation Rings We Recommend

All of the rings below can be personalized by you for literally anyone. Gender has been taken into consideration, so no one that you would love to give this to isn’t going to miss out on a great gift.

1. Forevergifts 7mm Stainless Steel Beveled Edge

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Made with stainless steel, but colored obsidian black, this ring is definitely something you’ll love. Why? This is because of the applications of a ring, and we’re not talking about its potential as a gift (coming back to that in a few). A ring can be paired with your wedding/engagement ring. It can be worn alone too if you prefer, and it can be worn in multiples and variety. It all depends on your taste. After this, the occasions that you can wear a ring to is practically countless. It’s perfect for that next dinner of yours. And if it’s even to the office on a not so corporate day, it’s perfect for any outfit you have in mind.

Now, apply all of this potential to the person you’re giving the gift to. He or she can wear it to the scenarios mentioned above and never remove it in-between. The ring is durable, the color is long lasting, and it comes in a variety of sizes that you can choose from, so you get a perfect gift for that person. All three of this makes it a gift that he or she will use indefinitely, with your message reminding her of who sent this. As a matter of fact, we can go deeper than that by buying two rings and choosing each other’s message. It’s a twisted form of “I scratch your back, you scratch mine”. In this case of mother’s and sons, you get to be connected with him in a way, regardless of where he is. You’re always just in front of his mind, listening and being present in his way. Essentially, it’s perfect in the areas; aesthetic appeal, application, and impactful meaning. Wherein each is important, but we personally do favor the last part.

2. Free Engraving Personalized 8mm Stainless Steel All Black

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Yes, it’s another ring from Forevergiftsusa, and not to worry, you’ll notice why we selected it in particular. Still, that doesn’t mean that we can’t put it down in words. The ring is black like the one above it but then it has an added spin (literally) to it. One part is equally shaved which adds an exotic look to it. If the person you’re giving the ring to scores an 8 on a scale of 10 for aesthetic appeal and then 9 or 10 for application, it’s perfect. In other words, it’s for those people who love functionality (application-wise here) but do not want to let go of appeal as well. We know a lot of people like that too by the way. And though it’s not always simple to find something they’ll like, it’s usually worth it. Chances are, they know you know their taste in accessories.

The ring, as hinted above, is purely made to be used. It’s extremely great at resisting tears and at the same time, it’s luxurious in every scenario that you can think of. The person you’re giving it to will definitely appreciate its presence, especially as its lifespan is great. It’ll be a constant way of reminding him or her of you. And the best thing about that is that they don’t even have to wear it. Just laying there on the table after 2 years, and then remembering how it got to him or her, and then the memories start gushing. You should expect a few calls, definitely. It’s the same with friends too. The same basis occurs and you’ll definitely keep in touch over the years.

3. 6MM Stainless Steel Personalized Plain Band Ring

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Though it almost skipped our minds, you can engrave both the inner and outer circle of the previous ring. The same thing applies to this ring as well, though you shouldn’t have to worry since it spots another design. You’ll definitely get your fill, and even if you don’t like this one, there are still 5 more to go.

The ring is made from stainless steel and it features a very polished look that looks high class more than anything. You’ll notice more of what we mean when you hold the ring. For the person you’re giving it to, you can choose between a variety of sizes to get that perfect, comfortable size. If done right, this won’t be a ring that he or she will look forward to removing any time soon. It has that nice tightness but is never too tight, to be honest.

If you’re intending to give the ring to a close friend (your bestie maybe) or maybe your daughter before she leaves home after graduating, we have a small tip for you. Why not buy two rings to serve as a symbol between you guys. It can be anything you want. A symbol of indefinite and all-encompassing love, eternal friendship, and then an object that you can pour your emotions (pride in that person’s accomplishment is a good example) into is what this ring can be for you. It’s your choice!

4. Prime Pristine Personalized Outside Inside Engraving

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This looks too much like an engagement ring for us to miss. It’s the perfect gift that you can give your man/woman if he or she just recently graduated from school. What this means is that it’s not only for your wife, husband, or fiancé/fiancée. If you have your boyfriend or girlfriend, you should get this for her.

There’s nothing deeper than giving a gift with a message of love and your pride in him/her. It’s a mixture that she’ll get hooked on. As a matter of fact, the ring can be a type of commitment between you two. Whilst you would have given her a great gift that she can wear for a long time (let’s thank the stainless steel construction for this), you can make this ring a two-way thing between both of you.

You can both wear it to occasion with a heart sign and each other names engraved on the steel band. Immediately, you’ll set a combo that screams dedication, to a level that others would be hard-pressed against. Separately, both of you can use this as a form of trust. It’s kind of like a love bracelet in that regard actually. Now, the best about engraving your partner’s name on your ring is its meaning to others. It’s like a turnoff for most people, to see you so hooked on your man/woman. It’s something we’ve experienced and they were certainly humorous.

5. Stamped Love Personalized Customized Ring

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If you think about it, the name itself sells the brand in this case. This is what we consider a romantic ring. It’s perfect for your lover, fiancé/fiancée, or anything in-between. For other people though, we think another option would be much better, though if they like the look, it’s all cool too. The ring is made from aluminum and its design is that of an incomplete circle. After that, what you need to know is that it can be engraved on the outside only, but then the font used is small and thus practically limitless and beautiful as well. Let’s not forget the fact that the aluminum build gives it better durability as well. This essentially means it’s not going to snap anytime nor will the engravings try to fade or get botched/rough.

The best way we think you can work with this ring is to buy more than one. We tried only one before, but we weren’t feeling it so much. But then we tried two and even three rings at a time—all with different messages that are individually powerful, but when combined, can be rather romantic. No matter, if you’re willing to try our method, do put into consideration the person you’re giving the rings. Will he or she like the feel of two or more rings on her fingers or she prefers only one at a time. We’re not saying you can work it, but if you’re planning on giving her two or more rings, then you have to engrave a strong message on each of them. So, if she does choose to wear only one at a time, you’ll make your point with any of the rings.

6. XUANPAI Free-Engraving Stainless Steel

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At 6.7g, you’ll notice the attention poured into making this ring. It looks really good and it’s the perfect item with an ideal ratio of aesthetic appeal and applications. If you’re thinking of a gift for someone close to you for his or her graduation, this is perfect. At the same time, know that it sets a tone of commitment and even religion, especially if you get the one with a cross engraved on it. You can also get the plain option, and though the meaning might be somewhat diluted, you can create your own meanings. In fact, but more than one and create code with the person. It all depends on the relationship you have with the person.

Like most of the rings above, this one is also made from stainless steel for a longer lifespan. We think the ring will even see other graduations the person has, and since it’s right beside him or her, it leads to a deeper bond. At that point though, you’ll have to get another gift, and we’re not talking about a ring anymore. There are different sizes available for you to pick from. We think what you should do here is go ahead and ask that friend what his or her size is. The graduation is already done and you might have even given her a gift for that already. So there’s no harm done in just asking. And if you look on the bright side, you get a ring that’ll be perfect for.

7. anntungsten Free Laser Engraving Tungsten

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We love this ring from Anntungsten since it’s really discreet. Sure, the black color is eye-candy that will easily look good with any outfit that you choose. In fact, we can say the same about any scenario that you can think of. But the real deal here is that the engraving is only on the inside of the ring. You can’t engrave anything outside. We definitely know this depends on personal taste, as you might want your message on the outside. But think about it this way; in as much as the person you’re giving it to is secretive and wouldn’t want anyone knowing his or her birthday, name, love message, etc, then you’ve found the perfect ring for him or her. Though, this is more useful if the person doesn’t quite mind the attention (yes, the appeal isn’t in question here). If that doesn’t work so much, think of the ring as a secret message, code, or thing that only you guys and maybe a select few know of. You might be teased for it, but you’ll have something to share with your close one.

Moving on to the ring itself, tough tungsten carbide is used in making it. And the process that sinks in the color is more or less perfect. So perfect, your close one should see a lifetime of use from it. That black tint you see is more or less like another minuscule layer of the metal itself. In addition, the metal doesn’t contain any cobalt, so your hand isn’t turning green because of a black ring anytime soon. It’s one of the cutest rings that carry a deep message, in an inconspicuous manner. And that’s despite the fact it’s gorgeous, which is an odd mix considering normal expectations.

8. XUANPAI Custom

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We don’t want to compare, but it makes things easier in this particular case. Unlike the Anntungsten ring just right above, this ring can be engraved both on the inside and outside. But then, the aesthetic appeal becomes stricter in the case of the latter. Its appearance will easily remind you of an engagement ring, so that certainly sets a tone of love. Nonetheless, it’s still perfect for mothers, fathers, and besties also.

The only thing here that changes is the way that ring will be worn. Instead of your son using it on his finger, it would do far better on his neck—right next to his heart. Still, if you put a long message on the outer part of the ring, it should serve as a bigger topic than the appeal. People would mostly focus on the words engraved and who gave it, not the appeal.

For messages that you put on the ring, we’re thinking his or her zodiac sign, the day of the graduation, birthday, or a small message that has a deeper meaning. You could tie each other’s nickname for each other with a heart or plus sign. Here, just do anything that comes to mind, but keep in mind the person’s privacy. If it’s a birthday, that should be on the inside and not the outside.

Questions that you may have about these rings

We’ve tested these rings thoroughly, and that includes gifting them out (first fact!). The second is that you’re buying an accessory that’s supposed to be worn online. Combining both of them should equal to a bit of fear, no matter how little. So we thought why not coming through with some good questions that you certainly love and then provide some answers/tips to them.

How do I measure ring sizes?

When you’re buying a ring online, with the certainty that you won’t be able to try it out or even get a feel for it before making a purchase, it’s absolutely normal to at least find a way to correctly estimate your ring size. It’s even more important since the ring is for someone you know, and not even for yourself. It’s not going too bad, sure—but it’s still a gift, and every little thought matter a lot. So, because of all this, we have something short and straight to the point that should correctly get you a ring for the person.

ring sizes

Pick out any finger on his or her hands that you would love the ring to go. It’s not necessary that he or she knows since you can just use one of your fingers to roughly measure which one you want. After that, you have to take somethings into consideration. The first is that your dominant hand will be bigger than your non-dominant hand. This should especially be referenced if you and the person you’re giving it to have opposite dominant hands. What’s big might be a tad bit smaller than the person the ring is going to.

After this, if it’s cold when you want to buy any of the rings above, you should know that the weather shrinks your digits a bit. Fire does the exact opposite of that. This is in the case the person you’re giving it to is traveling. His or her later environment might be different from yours, and knowing this gives a good edge during selection. You won’t buy a ring just too tight for her to fit in.

You first take a strip of paper or a piece of string and then wrap it around the finger that you chose in step 1. Make sure the string or strip of paper is close to the knuckle since that’s where the ring is going. Then mark the spot where one end of the string or paper overlaps with an area. That’s what you measure in millimeters. Then find a chart (you’ll find them on all rings above when you follow the links) and then use your measurements to find a match. And that’s all!

It’s not a step, but it is important. You could just ask the person you’re giving the ring to what his or her size is. If the person doesn’t use a ring, then you can use the second step to measure her finger. This way, you even get to know her favorite finger and you at least get to keep some lid on how the ring looks.

Which font should I use for the engraving?

engraving font jewelry

We can’t properly give you an engraving to use since all ring makers are different. They have all their kinds of fonts and even ring size which is something you should take into consideration also. Still, there’s some plus side to it. They all have primary fonts that are legible, and the ones that do have a variety of fonts, have a good collection that you’ll love. We love this about the Prime Pristine ring.

What type of graduation message can I leave on the ring?

This is slightly more unique than the others since a message makes a constant point. It’s a representation of your thoughts given form, so you have to get it just right for the person. So take a look at these ideas.

“Love You! And I’ll Right next to You, waiting for more Accomplishments”

“You rock! Both in school and outside of it”

If you take a good look at the messages above, they stand for a lot. Of course, the person’s graduation date can be printed on the inside too, or even be the only message on the ring, but let’s check out the meaning of both of them before you do only that. The first shows your commitment to the person and how much you care. That’s as simple as it can get without overcomplicating words. It also shows your wishes for either a nice, long-term relationship if you’re not family or assurance that you’ll always be close by if you are family. Both options sound nice, don’t they?

graduation ring message

After that, we have the second message which first presents the person with your admiration of him or her. Imagine if it was for any of your parents! After the first line, the second is essentially your goodwill towards them. You know the world is bigger than school, and because of that, you’re not only wishing them good luck for school alone. It’s for all facets of their life. It’s definitely deeper than what it seems, but people tend to miss a lot of these things. This is why you can attach a graduation card with the gift. Explain your words there and even write more encouraging words for them to see. Anything that’ll make them happy, is a job well done.